I really enjoyed this film, it is very different from many of the other films that we have watched in class in the best possible way. This film addresses many different issues that some communities face. Particularly the black community and how growing up in struggling areas can have an affect on someone. The film was broken up in 3 sections, Little, Chiron, Black. Each addressing different parts of his life and the identity that he has either chosen or been given.
I really liked how the theme of identity was shown throughout the film. We have Little, a nickname given to him by his peers. Little also was a very timid kid that doesn't say much who was bullied throughout school, even being chased home. During one of these chases Little hides in what appears to be a drug house until the other kids leave him along. He then meets Juan who takes him home where Little learns skills such as swimming and how to choose who he wants to be. When being returned back home Little's mom, who is a drug addict, responds coldly to Juan. We later find out that she buys drugs from Juan's circle, leading to an intense scene where she asks is he going to raise her son. As well as if Juan will tell Little why he's always bullied.
During the cut from Little and Chiron, Juan has passed away and Chiron is in seemingly high school. The bullying continues and his mother's habits get even worse. During this time Chiron has begun to go by Chiron, rarely being called Little. This section Chiron is in high school and begins to explore his sexuality. Unfortunately the bullying continues leading him to finally break and being sent to Juvie. The next section is called Black and it is Chiron as an adult now caught up in the same lifestyle as Juan. He now goes by the name black, a name given to him by Terrel in high school.
The film concludes in a way that wasn't satisfying to me but it was great overall. I think the film strayed away from a "good ending" and gave a more real ending instead. Black ends up selling drugs and almost putting on this front, to get himself back on his feet by any means necessary. He's been trying to survive in the world around him for so long that it's all that he can do. The conversations about identity that this film raises don't just stop there, there is so much to talk about in this masterpiece with all the details put in place that one post cant get it all.
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this film! I agree that one post can't cover it. In future sections, I will make more time for that. Thanks for your thoughtful comments!